thoughts about the disgraceful European Super League Suspended and short match review of Chelsea 0-0 brighton

It was a frustrating performance from Chelsea today as they drew 0-0 at home to Brighton. Today I’m not going to rates the players because this was probably the worst performance under Thomas Tuchel since he took over Chelsea as they were bad in defense and worst while attack. But what I noticed something that many of the players seemed distracted from all the kinds of stuff going all around with the European Super League and the worst thing is the Owners and the board members did sign for the European Super League without even acknowledging the players and managers. Since then the players were under a lot of pressure because their career was in big trouble since FIFA and UEFA announced that the players who are going to play in the Super League will be banned from playing for their national team and also will be banned from playing all competitions. Therefore it was the owners and board members who put the players in all sort of troubles for the past couple of days and it was not a surprise to see the players performs badly when their career was on the line, so it will be unfair to rates the players and the manager and I’m believing that they’ll be back stronger for the upcoming matches. Despite the frustrating performance, there was reason to be all Chelsea fans and the football fans to happy about it because football has won it in this civil war. 


European Super League Suspended 

The 140 years of tradition and hierarchy of football have been saved at last, as all the 6 English clubs(Chelsea, Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham, Liverpool)  withdrawn from the disgraceful European Super League. So all the fans have got their clubs back to them as they used to see and as a Chelsea fan, I’m proud of my fan base and as a real football fan, I’m proud of all the fans of other clubs around the world because of the reaction of them was one of the main reason for clubs to pull back from this Super League plan. Not just the fans, The sports media, pundits, main organizations, FIFA, UEFA, Premier League, Prime Ministers, other clubs, and all the main bodies related to football went against the Super League plan and they all the reason for the downfall of this super league. Now the owners should have realized the power of the fans and also when they try to do something against traditional football there will lot of peoples from everywhere are waiting to strike against them.

I also have to give credits to my club which the 1st club to react to the voices of the fans and start the procedure to pull back from the European Super League. I don’t want to blame too much on the club owner Mr. Roman Abramovich because he is one of the main reason why Chelsea have been the most successful club in the 20th century with all the investments he put on this club but what he did for this super proposal was wrong. But humans all did mistakes at a certain time, the reaction for that is important, and once Roman realized that he makes the mistake he is the 1st owner to give the green light to the board to do all the procedure to pull back from this Super League and at last we the fans got our clubs back to us. 

I need to say few things about Florentino Perez who is the main culprit to this disgraceful European Super League plan and he said that he wants to save football for the next generations. Is this guy joking, how is that possible when this guy wants to kill the traditional and hierarchy of football, stops the progress of growing clubs in the league by putting all the big teams around Europe in one league without even competing and relegating and makes like American franchise-style which the clubs' nothing have to compete but will be gaining millions of money and be in the top tier without even competing?

The beauty of the champions’ league is that the clubs have to earn it by competing with all clubs in their leagues but with the European super league, the founding clubs will be always there even when they finish bottom of the table. So this joker wants to save the football by implementing this disgusting method and wants to destroy the football that we all know. But all he doing this to gain money to settle his 900 million of his debt and also he wants to become a billionaire by implementing his stupid ideas which shows the greediness level of this guy but he gets Huge slaps on his face as football has won at last.  

And finally, the football world has seen the power of the fans when they unite together to go against this European Super League plan. Yes, when there is rivalry we will fight and argue with each other in a good manner, when they lose I will banter with them and if my club loses they will banter with me because that’s the beauty of this most watchable and beautiful sports in the world. But if anything happens to our sport or anyone tried to destroy this traditional football we will unite together will strike against them. The owners have to realize this, yes they are the people who are investing but we as fans who are spending for the tickets to watch the football from the stadium and paying for the Television broadcast to watch football from the home week after week are the lifeblood of any club. Without fans, there is nothing in football and you all should have witnessed during the pandemic time because when there are no fans inside the stadiums' many consequences are going on there in term of financial and I’m hoping the owners will mind that. The final verdict is Football 1-0 money(Florentino Perez). 


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